Our Core Values


Provide A Nurturing, Stable Environment Sensitive To Each Child's Needs


Provide Unconditional Support Regardless of Physical Characteristics, Behavior, Race, Sex, or Religion Status


Foster Curiosity, Motivation, Self-direction and Persistence


Provide A Safe and Healthy Early Childcare Facility For The Community
To encourage self-expression, love of learning and participation. To provide activities that challenge children to think and solve problems.
  • Children are accepted between the ages of two and six years of age.
  • Your child must have a record of their complete updated immunizations and a physical examination upon enrollment.
  • A complete annual physical and immunizations records must be maintained as long as your child is enrolled in Chicago Preschool Academy.
  • All children are required to have a TB shot and lead screening with the results recorded on the physical examination record.

See What Our Parents Have To Say

  • "Kyle has been with Chicago Preschool Academy since he was two years old, he is now five, and for the past three years I have watched him grow into a great student with the help of his extended family. The staff at Chicago Preschool Academy treat each child as they would their own child. They are so much more than just teachers."


  • "After going to the same school for three years, my daughter was nervous about starting a new school. The staff welcomed my baby with open arms. After a week, she was okay. Turned out to be the best school she has ever attended."

    The Sanders Family

  • "Great school! My little brother attended Chicago Preschool Academy form 2004-2005. Ten years later I enrolled my son into the school. Kyle has only been attending Chicago Preschool Academy for two months and he has learned so much in a short period of time. I would recommend the school to anybody."

    New Parent

  • "Chicago Preschool Academy has produced children who have excelled extremely well when entering into 1st grade. I had the pleasure of having one of their students in my class and she was really ready for 1st grade skills."

    Janet Brown, CPS Teacher

  • "First of all, I would like to say thank you to such a wonderful staff. My daughter has had a wonderful experience and everyday she has a new story. My family and I wish Chicago Preschool Academy much success."

    New Transfer Parent

  • "Ashima is my granddaughter and she loves her school and her teacher. One year I came out for the Thanksgiving Feast Celebration. The food was good and everyone was great. I can say that Chicago Preschool Academy is great."


  • "Chicago Preschool Academy is like family. The staff is warm and friendly. My child loves the school, staff, and friends."


  • "The family atmosphere is wonderful. I am amazed at my son's development."


  • "Great school Both of my daughter's attended Chicago Preschool Academy and they loved it. They learned a lot and had a blast in the process!"

    Darius Rhyne

  • "I have two children that attended Chicago Preschool Academy. Both children really enjoyed the experience and the staff is exceptional. I can tell that the staff really love what they do."

    Darenius Robinson

  • "My son Kyle has been attending CPA for the past 4 years and I can say this is a bittersweet moment for us both (Kyle & I) although he’s venturing out into the world and moving on to the next chapter in his life it’s sad a time to be leaving the staff that is now like family. His experience here at CPA has been nothing short of amazing, awesome, and rewarding. It’s hard for a parent to leave their child in the care of strangers but ever since I met Miss Stephanie in Walmart that day 4 years ago and she said she looks forward to my son’s arrival at the school, she also promised to take good care of him and she has, she’s a very important person in his life that I think will remain that way for many years to come. Miss Lisa has been very helpful with educational information that as a new mom I just wasn’t aware of and Miss Deneen understands that life may not always go as planned, Miss Diane makes sure my son is well feed, Ms. Charles patience is Saint-like, and Lil Miss Devin transitioned as her mom’s protégé to make a great teacher/administrator for CPA she’s going to do great things for years to come. Kyle and his entire family thanks CPA for making this the best 4 years of his life so far…"


  • "Chicago Preschool Academy came at a time in my life when I really needed them. You all welcomed Samaria and I with open arms. I am so impressed with the progress Samaria has made over the past 3 years. I could not have asked for better guidance and a group of nurturing women...I am beyond grateful fro such a supportive staff you all have at Chicago Preschool Academy...I appreciate all the love that you guys show and preparing Samaria for bigger and better things. Thank you so much!"